Friday 27 February 2015

Unusual causes of death - #91 (Crushed by a pillar)

Crushed by a pillar
Goulburn Evening Penny Post (Australia) - October 28th 1899, page 2

Unusual causes of death - #90 (Shot himself)

Shot himself
Western Herald (Australia) - July 25th 1908, page 4

Monday 23 February 2015

Unusual causes of death - #89 (Hit by a falling branch)

Hit by a falling branch
Albury Banner (Australia) - December 21st 1900, page 28

Unusual causes of death - #88 (Run over by a cart)

Run over by a cart
The Adelaide Advertiser (Australia) - May 23rd 1900, page 7

Unusual causes of death - #87 (Thrown from a cart)

Thrown from a cart
Launceston Examiner (Australia) - April 19th 1882, page 3

Saturday 7 February 2015

Unusual causes of death - #86 (Crushed on the railway)

Crushed on the railway
South Australian Register - May 20th 1882, page 1

Unusual causes of death - #85 (Double murder plus a suicide)

Double murder plus a suicide
Barrier Miner (Australia) - December 5th 1892, page 2

Unusual causes of death - #84 (Scalded to death)

Scalded to death
Barrier Miner (Australia) - December 5th 1892, page 3

Unusual causes of death - #83 (Shot by a fellow employee)

Shot by a fellow employee
The Maffra Spectator - March 28th 1895, page 3

Unusual causes of death - #82 (Severed his arm then bled to death)

Severed his arm then bled to death
Fitzroy City Press (Australia) - June 2nd 1893, page 2

Unusual causes of death - #81 (Run over not once but twice)

Run over not once but twice
Northern Star (Australia) - April 5th 1899, page 4

Unusual causes of death - #80 (Head severed by a train)

Head severed by a train
The North Eastern Ensign (Australia) - July 10th 1874,  page 3

Unusual causes of death - #79 (Thrown from a coal waggon)

Thrown from a coal waggon

The Argus (Australia) - March 20th 1900, page 3

Unusual causes of death - #78 (6 years old and crushed by a stack of timber)

Crushed by a stack of timber
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - February 19th 1902, page 10

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Unusual causes of death - #77 (Crushed by a cart)

Crushed by a cart

The Hawera and Normanby Star, March 27th 1911, page 5

Unusual causes of death - #76 (150 people burned to death)

150 people burned to death
The Hawera and Normanby Star, March 27th 1911, page 5

Unusual causes of death - #75 (Death by circular saw)

Death by circular saw
Star (New Zealand), June 3rd 1882, page 3.

Unusual causes of death - #74 (Mistaken for a crow)

Mistaken for a crow
Albury Banner (Australia), August 14th 1896, page 29

Unusual causes of death - #73 (Shot by his friend)

Shot by his friend
Advocate (Australia), September 12th 1868, page 13

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Unusual causes of death - #72 (Killed by the bride's mother)

Killed by the bride's mother


The Leader (Australia), September 12th 1919, page 2